photograph of Hong Ge

Hong Ge

Principal Investigator
Senior Research Fellow
at Machine Learning Group, University of Cambridge

Fellow of Darwin college

Email: hg344 [at] cam [dot] ac [dot] uk

I am a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge. I lead the Turing language team. I am interested in developing foundational methodologies for machine learning and intelligence, with a focus on Bayesian inference, decision making and Bayesian nonparametrics.

I completed my MSc with Chris Williams and PhD with Zoubin Ghahramani.

Research I’ve done

My Google Scholar profile

The Turing language for Bayesian inference

Postdoc and student co-workers

Tor Erlend Fjelde

Neel Alex, co-supervised with David Krueger

Adrian Goldwaser

Wenlin Chen, co-supervised with Miguel Hernández-Lobato and Bernhard Schölkopf

Ross Viljoen

Xianda Sun

Will Tebbutt

Tim Hargreaves, co-supervised with Miguel Hernández-Lobato

Former group members

Alexander Terenin, now Research Assistant Professor at Cornell University

Yongchao Huang, now Lecturer at Aberdeen University

Kai Xu, now Research Scientist at Amazon

Colton Botta

Co-organized the following events

CAPP Workshop on Probabilistic Programming

ACMLL Workshop on Machine Learning Languages

NeurIPS Conference 2013

Software for Bayesian inference and Gaussian processes

Approximate Inference: Varitional Inference, Normalising Flows

Markov chain Monte Carlo: Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, Nested Sampling, Particle MCMC, Elliptical Slice Sampling, Adaptive Random Walk MH (including affine invariant MH), Convergence Diagnostics

Gaussian processes in Julia


Phone: +44 (0)1223 762438
Department Address: Engineering Department, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1PZ, UK
Office: JD3-16

Information in this hierarchy was last updated Jul 2024